We aim to increase the effectiveness of the support for feminist movement building through partnerships, collaboration and consultation with women’s rights and social justice NGOs and grantees based firmly on feminist values and principles.
Support activism in the following and other areas:
Girls and women’s political, economic, social and cultural rights and power
Bodily autonomy and safety
Climate change, environmental protection and women’s leadership
Developing an ecosystem/infrastructure to support feminist movement-building (information, communication, research, training, networking, funding, policy advocacy and other mechanisms and resources)
We prioritize support to structurally excluded, marginalized and silenced groups such as youth, elderly, differently abled, rural, LGBTQI+, ethnic minorities, survivors of violence and abuse, domestic workers, low-income, informal sector workers, others.
The monitoring, evaluation and learning system of grant making program is based on feminist activist approaches, including collaborative, participatory action-oriented and qualitative methods. We undertake research, training and policy advocacy primarily via supporting the work of feminist activist organizations and, when necessary, engaging consultants/teams with relevant expertise.
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#903, Centrum Office 7/3, 1st Khoroo, Sukhbaatar District,
14240,Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar-46A, post box -280
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